How To Care For And Maintain Marble Countertops

Marble Countertop Care Guide: Preserving the Timeless Luxury

Marble countertops elevate any space with their natural veining and elegant aesthetic. They offer a cool surface ideal for bakers and a touch of sophistication to your kitchen or bathroom. However, unlike some countertop materials, marble requires a bit more care to maintain its beauty. This guide answers the most frequently asked questions about marble countertop care:


  • Do I need to seal my marble countertops?

Absolutely! Marble is a porous stone susceptible to staining from liquids. Sealing creates a barrier that helps prevent stains and makes cleaning easier. While some pre-sealed marbles might be available, regular reapplication of a penetrating sealer is crucial. The frequency depends on usage, with high-traffic areas needing resealing every 6 months to a year, while lower-traffic areas might last 1-2 years.

  • What type of sealer should I use?

Penetrating sealers are recommended for marble, as they soak into the stone and provide protection without altering the natural look. Consult a professional stone care specialist to determine the best sealer type and brand for your specific marble and desired finish.


  • What can I use to clean my marble countertops?

For everyday cleaning, use warm water and a mild, pH-neutral stone soap. Avoid harsh chemicals like ammonia, bleach, or abrasive cleaners, as they can damage the marble’s surface. Microfiber cloths are ideal for daily cleaning to avoid scratching the surface.

  • How do I remove tougher stains?

For tougher stains, act quickly! Blot up any spills immediately with a clean, absorbent cloth. For some stains, a poultice made from baking soda and water can be effective. Apply the poultice to the stain, cover it with plastic wrap, and let it sit for a few hours. Never use acidic cleaners like vinegar or lemon juice on marble countertops, as they can etch the surface. If a stain persists, consult a professional stone cleaning service.

Heat Resistance and Scratch Resistance:

  • Can I place hot pots directly on my marble countertops?

Marble is heat resistant to a degree, but not heatproof. Extreme heat can cause the stone to crack or etch. Always use trivets or hot pads for hot cookware to protect your marble countertops.

  • Are marble countertops scratch-proof?

Marble is a softer stone compared to granite or quartz and can scratch more easily. Use cutting boards to avoid direct contact with knives and other sharp objects.

Other Maintenance Tips:

  • What can damage my marble countertops?

Besides extreme heat and scratches, avoid harsh chemicals and acidic liquids like coffee, wine, or citrus juice. Clean up spills promptly, especially from acidic liquids, to prevent etching.

  • How can I prevent etching?

Use coasters for glasses with beverages and placemats for hot dishes. Reseal your countertops regularly as recommended by your chosen sealer and consult a professional for cleaning or polishing needs.

Maintaining Marble’s Beauty:

While marble requires more care than some countertop materials, its timeless beauty is worth the effort. By following these tips and consulting a professional stone care specialist when needed, you can ensure your marble countertops stay stunning and functional for years to come. Remember, with proper care, marble countertops can add a touch of luxury to your home for generations to enjoy.